Saturday, October 8, 2011

leg 29: Hallelujah it's over!

Josh: As the machine moved towards us, we knew it was time. The moment of truth, the oil our training was seeping through our pores (what?). It was time to use our bodies like they have never been used before. We were sleep deprived, our glycogen stores were low, lactic acid was pumpin, we were sleep deprived, cramps were rampant, we were dodging big ass cars, we were sleep deprived, and we were not supple secondary to being immobilized in the van. That didn’t stop us, and we conquered our final run.

A couple of minutes before our run, Meko was bitten by a nasty spider that he was playing with (who plays with spiders??) and I laughed at him. As we were running, we realized that people really don’t know how to handle runners on the side of the run, following the rules and going against traffic. Not only did I feel that my final run was 50% a trail run, I got a good lateral jump workout in when I was leaping out of the way for dear life.

Halfway though the run, I thought I saw Meko hanging upside down from a tree. I quickly realized I probably was hallucinating, since I was going at like 150% of my VO2 Max. I heard a screech and a sudden thud, Wesley was mauled by a bear. When I looked closer I saw that it was no bear, but Meko! This was no ordinary Meko, he had hairy arms and legs, and two giant spider fangs on his face. The fangs had punctured Wesley’s neck, and the area was turning a dark bile color. I thought this whole situation was kinda weird, so I just kept running. With one mile left in the final leg, I was caught in a thick translucent substance and demolished by mutated Wesley and Meko, they were finally at peace and finished the run.

Overall, a very productive run!

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