Saturday, October 12, 2013

Leg 24: Twin Tunnels

Leg 24 started out benign enough with a gradual uphill followed by a pleasant downhill.  Then, once again, the road rose up in the form of a slow, long, winding hill...... For three agonizing miles.  The black of midnight added to our frustration as we kept waiting (praying really) to feel the hill crest.  Of course, with only the light of our headlamps to guide us, we could see only about 50 feet in front of us.  Our legs screamed that the incline was ongoing but the lack of light gave the impression that the hill was about to end.  Finally, with two miles remaining, the uphill gave way to a long, glorious downhill.  By the end of our trek, we had covered 5.3 miles in about 43 minutes.  Overall, not too bad considering the incline, the dark and the extra few tenths.  Five miles to go..... Now it is time for some sleep.

~Matt & Jay

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