Sunday, October 12, 2014

Leg #26: Crying Rocks

Once again, I (Clark) was able to run ahead again and try to keep some pace to our relay. I was able to finish sub-40 once again and sent Jay and Matt in their way.
The entire time I kept hearing these noises off to the side of the road. I kept kind of jumping and wondering what was happening. I thought for a while I was being followed by a pack of animals but I soon realized that it was just water flowing from the rocks. I'm glad that it was just water and I am glad that I was able to finish quickly. 

1/2 team crippled out 
Unfortunately Brooke and Elena just have no words to describe how bad they are feeling. Hopefully they can finish their last run to the end. 

Other 1/2 out

1 comment:

  1. Elena I am sorry you are not pacing Clark, I know how much faster you are then him. Clark you are such the team player. I am proud of your record times you are running to help push the team. Just remember what you set for this year will be your challenge next year. I am so inspired by all of you. This experience is one you will never forget. You are on the home stretch now. Keep it up and be safe. We are cheering you on with every new blog. -- Clark's parents
